
This section contains information on the different types of licences Discuss Data offers to data providers.

Discuss Data offers four forms of Data Usage Licence Agreements for Data Depositors to choose from:

[A] a restricted form, which serves as the default option for the Platform and in which the Data Depositor has to explicitly relinquish single rights to the Downloader for a specific Data Collection;

[B] the Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-BY), where the Data Depositor permits others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work, as well as make and distribute derivative works based on it, if proper attribution is provided;

[C] the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL), where the Data Depositor permits others to create and distribute derivative works, but only under the same or a compatible license (“share alike”); and

[D] a customized Data Usage Licence Agreements between the Data Depositor and any Downloader of that Data Collection.

[A] Restricted License

You acknowledge that Discuss Data’s default option is the Restricted Data Usage Licence Agreement (‘Data Use Agreement’). By choosing to use the Data Use Agreement, Data Depositors represent that:

  1. The Data Use Agreement covers all restrictions and protections they wish to retain and will not rely on the Platform to provide any further protections or restrictions. However, the Platform can recommend, but is in no way obliged to, further restrictions and protections for the use of Data Collection that go beyond the stipulations of the Data Depositors in order to prevent the (potential) violation of copy and privacy rights;
  2. They are solely responsible for ensuring the Data Use Agreement is legally sound and that the Platform is not responsible for anything included; and
  3. Nothing in the Data Use Agreement conflicts with, supersedes, or limits any prior contractual obligations on the part of the Data Depositor, any third parties, Downloaders, or the Platform.

By choosing the Data Use Agreement every single right of a Data Collection has to be explicitly granted to the Downloader by the Data Depositor. For a specific Data Collection, the Downloader may be able to:

  • View parts or the whole of the Content included in the Data Collection (in the form it is available on Discuss Data);
  • Compare and build upon;
  • Modify;
  • Incorporate in only a specific academic project (discussed and agreed upon between the Data Depositor and the Downloader);
  • Incorporate in any other academic projects, publications, research, or other related works;
  • Redistribute as freely as possible in any form whatsoever; and
  • Reuse for any purposes, including, without limitation, commercial purposes.

[B] Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-BY)

Data Depositors have the option of choosing the Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-BY). Data Collections with this license can be freely assessed and used, reused and redistributed, if proper attribution is provided. Any public use of the database, or works produced from the database, must be attributed in the manner specified in the license. For any use or redistribution of the database, or works produced from it, the license of the database must be clear and any notices on the original database must be kept intact.

For more information, please read the Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-BY) Full Legal Text.

[C] Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL)

Data Depositors also have the option of choosing the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL). Data Collections with the ODbL license can be freely assessed and used, reused and redistributed, but must be licensed under the same or a compatible license (“share-alike”).

Any public use of the database, or works produced from the database, must be attributed in the manner specified in the license. For any use or redistribution of the database, or works produced from it, the license of the database must be clear and any notices on the original database must be kept intact. If any adapted version of this database, or works produced from an adapted database, are used, that adapted database must be offered under the ODbL as well.

For more information, please read the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) Full Legal Text.

[D] Custom Data Usage Licence Agreement

Registered Users also have the option of drafting a custom Data Usage Licence Agreement between the Data Depositor and any Downloader of that Data Collection. By choosing to draft a custom Data Usage Licence Agreement for a particular Data Collection, Data Depositors acknowledge and agree that:

  1. The Platform owes no obligation or responsibility and makes no representations with regards to the legality, enforceability, accuracy, or desirability of the custom Data Usage Licence Agreement;
  2. Discuss Data is not a party to the custom Data Usage Licence Agreement and cannot be held accountable for any terms found within the Agreement; and
  3. Discuss Data has no obligation to aid or support either party of the Agreement in the execution or enforcement of the custom Data Usage Licence Agreement’s terms. Data Depositors are responsible for establishing, maintaining, and enforcing the licence terms they wish to use for access to and use of Data Collections. Discuss Data is not responsible for any inaccuracies, unenforceable terms, or liabilities that may arise from choosing any of the options afforded in this Agreement, and Discuss Data will not be responsible for reviewing or enforcing compliance of any terms the Data Depositor may choose to employ.

Whenever any use of or reference to any Content of the Data Collection is made, the Data Collection has to be cited as outlined in the current version of the ‘Best practices: Data Citation’ on the Discuss Data online platform.