Will my data be open to the public?
Discuss Data offers a three-tier access policy. Depending on the sensitivity and requirements of the data, you can decide if the data will be published a) in open access, b) in restricted access or c) with no access (metadata only).
a) "Open access" datasets will be accessible for everyone, including users outside of Discuss Data. This is the recommended way of publishing datasets, and the data desciption and files will automatically be written into the DARIAH Repository for digital long-term archiving.
b) Datasets with "Restricted access" will be accessible in full only for a subset of Discuss Data users of your choosing. While the data description and metadata will be publicly available, access to data files has to be requested and confirmed by the owner or administrators of the data set. This type of access is recommended for datasets that contain sensitive information or for which the analysis has not yet been published.
c) "Metadata only" offers to upload the metadata and the dataset description without the data files themselves. This allows other users to find and cite your data collection, but without having access to the data files. This access model is recommended for datasets which cannot be shared or stored online, for example if they contain highly sensitive information. Interested users can contact the authors via Discuss Data to request individual access to the data files.
First steps: Overview
First steps for new users
- FAQs
Data Upload
- Edit License & Access
- Edit Metadata
- Edit Data Set Description & Add Tags
- Edit Dataset Description
- Dataset Publishing
- Edit Dataset Versions
- Manage Datafiles
- Edit Related Publications
- Data Set Upload
- edit-dataset-metadata
- dataset-list
- Edit collaboration
- dataset-overview
- dataset-copyright-declaration
- dataset_curation
- edit-dataset-description-add-tags
- Edit Data Submission Agreement
Best Practices
- Best Practices for Data Submission
- Best Practices for the Documentation of Data Collection
- Checklist for the Documentation of Data Collection
- Best Practices for Discussion
- Best Practices for Curators
- Best Practices for Interviews
- Best Practices for Informed Consent
- Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice
- Rules