Data Set
Debates about export pipelines from the post-Soviet region: Opinion leaders and advocacy coalitions
Version 1.0, published: June 14, 2021.
The dataset consists of the quantitative results of a content analysis of media reporting about export pipelines pipelines in five post-Soviet countries, namely Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan and Ukraine, focusing on time periods of decisive pipeline decisions between 1998 and 2020. The quantitative analysis covers who is being quoted on the issue, which pipelines are mentioned positively and negatively and which frames are used to support the position towards a specific pipeline.
For Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine the text corpus includes a large part of the most popular (print, TV, and internet) media, the most important media for the major political camps and (if they exist) national specialised business and energy sector journals for the respective period under investigation. For Turkmenistan, which has strong state control over all media, only the state TV channels have been included in the analysis.
The resulting text corpus comprises 5,523 media reports on export pipelines published between 1998 and 2020 by 64 different journalistic media outlets. The quantitative results are based on a total of 10,529 quotes in the respective media. The results of the numerical analysis are available with this dataset. The original media reports cannot be included in the dataset because of copyright restrictions.
Azerbaijan Kazakhstan Russia Turkmenistan Ukraine
Energy Policy Pipelines Media Reporting
Language of data
Azeri English Kazakh Russian Ukrainian
Comparative Politics International Relations Media Studies
Methods of data collection
Archival Research Desk Research Digitalization Electronic Database Search Newspaper Content Analysis