Data Set
Military Conscription in the Perception of the Russian Population (Public Opinion Polls by the Levada Center)
Random-sample questionnaire-based nationally representative polls conducted as omnibus surveys 1997-2021
Version 1.0, published: Sept. 18, 2022.
Note: A newer version of this dataset has been published Version 1.1
The Levada Center has been conducting omnibus surveys of the Russian population on a regular basis. This data collection includes questions about the attitude towards Western sanctions against Russia (enacted after the annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the full-scale war against Ukraine in 2022) together with standard socio-demographic and political data about all respondents. It contains the raw data from a total of 32 opinion polls conducted from 1997 to 2021.
This documentation of data collection documents the questions included in the dataset and provides information about the random-sample questionnaire-based nationally representative polls conducted as omnibus surveys. The original data file is in Russian, but this documentation lists all questions and answer options with an English translation.
Included in this data collection are the relevant questions from the Levada omnibus surveys copied into one file. The SPSS file (.sav) is the original files provided by the Levada Center. It has been exported into an Excel file. The content of the respective xlsx-file should be identical with the original sav-file. An overview of some selected results is included in the data collection as separate file.