Data Set
Open Access
Navalny and „smart voting“ in the perception of the Russian population (Public Opinion Polls by the Levada Center)
Random-sample questionnaire-based nationally representative polls conducted as omnibus surveys in 2013, 2018 and 2020-22
Version 1.0, published: Sept. 5, 2022.
Note: A newer version of this dataset has been published Version 1.1
Main category: Elections and Referendums
Curated by:
Jan Matti Dollbaum
Dataset ownership has been transferred. Previous users: Heiko Pleines (until Feb. 14, 2024, 2:17 p.m.)
Additional categories: Protests, Public Opinion
Levada Center (2022): Navalny and „smart voting“ in the perception of the Russian population (Public Opinion Polls by the Levada Center) – Random-sample questionnaire-based nationally representative polls conducted as omnibus surveys in 2013, 2018 and 2020-22, v. 1.0, Discuss Data,